Thursday, 6 February 2014

Thank You!

Hey ....  This was sent to me from Amazon this afternoon:

The churning and endless refreshing stopped after the first day of the promotion and now the price is finally available!  Okay, it is now Thursday, and the promotion started on Monday, so the lion's share of the week-long promotion has been ruined, but it's finally working!  

It says a lot that during the last promo that 'went wrong' I battled it out with emails to Amazon tout seule  and nothing happened.  The whole bloody mess rambled on until the entire seven days ran out like sand in an hourglass.

This time I finally wised up and asked for help and look, the results speak for themselves...

A huge and hearty thank you for looking at this blog and adding your leverage!

On a completely different subject: you may have noticed the UK has been having some ghastly weather, plus today was the second day of a strike on the London Underground - the railway beneath our capital.  The ingenious Dan Baines has linked the two events and come up with a rather startling conclusion!

The Derbyshire Mummified Fairy


From TFL Spokesperson - "It will take at least 2 days for specialist government teams to clear the underground network of this menace".

Heavy rainfall over the UK and London has driven fairies beneath the city where they have caused millions of pounds worth of damage to the rail network.

Pay dispute or fairies? You decide...

 — with Tink Bell.

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